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Data Modelling

Collaborative platform for data modelling, taxonomy management and digital data standardisation.

Standardize and define data sets across organisation.

Enable data-driven decision making.

ATOME Matter is a metadata management and modelling platform supporting digital transformation, Suptech and Regtech projects and data governance initiatives.  ATOME enables both regulators and reporting institutions to better understand and manage their data requirements – whether it is for supervisory, reporting or analytics purposes.

Business-user friendly interface and rich interoperability options help to bring business understanding and IT integrations in sync. In collaborative environment, bringing in a variety of models and projects on a single platform, you can make the most of the data across the organisation, save time and effort and provide your teams with the opportunity to work with innovative data tools.

The platform is based on the vast experience of dedicated industry experts, co-authors of data modelling methodology used by financial sector regulators and supervisors to manage data collection effectively. ATOME Matter constantly develops to address the growing granularity of data, data quality needs and changing regulatory environments.

Data Modelling

Collaborative platform for data modelling, taxonomy management and digital data standardisation.

Standardize and define data sets across organisation.

Enable data-driven decision making.

ATOME Matter is a metadata management and modelling platform supporting digital transformation, Suptech and Regtech projects and data governance initiatives.  ATOME enables both regulators and reporting institutions to better understand and manage their data requirements – whether it is for supervisory, reporting or analytics purposes.

Business-user friendly interface and rich interoperability options help to bring business understanding and IT integrations in sync. In collaborative environment, bringing in a variety of models and projects on a single platform, you can make the most of the data across the organisation, save time and effort and provide your teams with the opportunity to work with innovative data tools.

The platform is based on the vast experience of dedicated industry experts, co-authors of data modelling methodology used by financial sector regulators and supervisors to manage data collection effectively. ATOME Matter constantly develops to address the growing granularity of data, data quality needs and changing regulatory environments.

Solution built by and for experts


Get ahead

Planning data projects and data strategies:

Rely on the industry-leading expertise and standards-based technology to future-proof, minimise your risks, ease the data collection/use and reporting burdens.

Get control

Facing regulatory reporting change:

Streamline your workflows, ease analysis of changes and consult across teams and experts in a shared workspace. Identify gaps & overlaps in reporting requirements and identify the change impacts on reportable data.

Get confident

Focusing on data quality:

Manage multiple models, data concepts, quality checks and business rules in one place.  Provide consistency, shareability and enhanced quality assurance.

Get efficient

Managing your data:

Boost connections between data governance and data reporting tools, business intelligence and workflow cycles for greater level of interoperability. Ease collaboration between business and IT.

Making collaborative environment easy and intuitive

How ATOME works

Shared dictionaries of concepts and multidimensional data models in a single source build consistent data understanding across the organisation and teams involved. Seamless export/import of data through XBRL, SQL, XLS, JSON, APIs ensures eased digital exchange and enhanced interoperability.

Explore ATOME Matter

Easy to get started, intuitive to use, and backed by comprehensive support of BR-AG experts. Experience the ease of working with purpose-built solution ATOME Matter:


Model management

Collaboration & Comment System


Regulatory change management


Technical interoperability


Reference system

Driving long-term value for ESG data management

Fuelled by the planetary emergency and global need for transparency – environmental, social, and governance (ESG) disclosure is coming to move the markets and drive regulation. Learn how ATOME helps to build green economy by establishing trust between data, technology and policy:

How ATOME helps

One platform.
Multiple use cases.

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The latest thinking, at your fingertips.

Regtech News for Regulators

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ATOME Matter supports regulators, business registers, central banks, financial institutions.

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lasting value together.

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